Regardless of where one's political affiliation lies, there can be no doubt that the current administration has shaken things up on the political landscape. For immigrants, concerns over Trump's immigration policies have caused a great deal of anxiety. According to...
Property Division
The importance of avoiding errors on a QDRO
For many Louisiana residents, the division of retirement assets is a primary focus during the property division process. In fact, there are many families in which retirement savings comprise the bulk of marital wealth. Getting things right during the division of these...
Be aware of the impact Bitcoin can have on community property
The process of dividing marital wealth is a primary focus for many Louisiana spouses who are going through a divorce. That is understandable, as the outcome of property division will have a lasting impact on both parties as they move beyond their marriage and into the...
You will need a QDRO to receive benefits from retirement accounts
Other than the marital home, one of the largest assets that Louisiana residents have is their retirement accounts. In most cases, the portion of those accounts that was acquired during the marriage could be subject to division in a divorce. Under the Employee...
Prenuptial agreements are not a bad omen
Prenuptial agreements have gotten a bad rap as being something couples get because they expect that their marriage won't last. Many couples deny themselves some important benefits by refusing to consider one. In states like Louisiana, community property laws mean that...
What differs community property from equitable distribution?
Louisiana is one of only a handful of states in the U.S. that follow community property laws. What does this mean for a divorcing couple? Well, other states follow "equitable distribution" of property. This means that a judge will look at a couple's divorce and decide...