When parents are getting divorced, it’s important for them to know how to talk to their children. There are certain steps they can take to help this conversation go smoothly, which can assist with the transition. It often makes the divorce process much easier for the...
Should you fight to keep the vacation home in your divorce?
Because Louisiana is a community property state, there are different strategies to use to walk away from marriage with all you need to begin a new life. In some cases, couples wind up fighting over their real estate. In particular, who gets the family home and the...
The complexities of dividing debts in a Louisiana divorce
Most individuals focus on assets during the property division phase of a divorce, perhaps because they are easy to identify and evaluate. However, it’s equally important to consider and address debts that may also be subject to division, such as joint credit card...
Should you get a divorce because of financial difficulties?
Financial difficulties are often silent killers of marriages. Money is often a topic of discussion and argument in any marriage. Because of the financial issues in your marriage, you may be considering divorce. You may be wondering if that is the right choice. Here...
Gender inequality in divorce
One of the reasons a woman might divorce is to achieve more financial independence and equality. While some women already have that in their marriage, others certainly do not. While divorce could help a woman with this goal achieve it, one study published by the...
What if your spouse ignores the divorce papers?
If your spouse doesn’t want to get divorced, they may be tempted to ignore the divorce petition. They’ll just ignore the paperwork that you give to them, not taking any steps to respond appropriately and move forward with the legal process. Some people believe that...
Could these 4 behaviors predict divorce?
No one marries with the intent of one day divorcing. Yet many couples find that their marriages don’t stand the test of time and wind up filing for divorce. But what if there were a way to predict which couples might not go the distance? According to one professor and...
Do you need a 102 or 103 divorce?
All divorces have their unique challenges, but divorce in Louisiana is a bit different than divorce in other states. If you live in Louisiana and you want a divorce, you have two options: a 102 or 103 divorce. These terms refer to the specific provisions of...
What happens to your pet during divorce?
If you’re getting a divorce, you need to divide marital assets with your ex. Though there are some exceptions, it generally means dividing assets that the two of you purchased during your marriage. You also need to split up income that you earned or financial accounts...
Tips for parents: Telling your children about your divorce
The approach that parents take when discussing a decision to divorce with their children will have a lasting impact on their emotional well-being. Parents must (when possible and appropriate) approach this talk as a unified front, better ensuring that they’ll...