In the eyes of the law, both parents must support their children financially, regardless of their relationship status. But if you and your partner are no longer together, then the parent with the least amount of custody typically must pay the other parent child...
Child Support
When can I request a child support modification in Louisiana?
After finalizing your divorce, you and your ex must fulfill the financial obligations indicated in the agreement, including child support. However, life happens, and you might be unable to keep up with child support payments. You can request a child support...
Does an unmarried Louisiana father automatically gain rights?
Many Louisiana couples make the decision to seek alternatives to marriage. This decision is personal and best made together, in the best interests of both parties. However, when it comes to children, there are considerations that fathers must make. Do both parents...
How is basic child support calculated in Louisiana?
When deciding on child support, it is imperative that the child be adequately cared for with a suitable place to live, clothing, food, educational supplies, medical care and more. A question that parents frequently ask centers on what the law says about the basic...
Child support services can help everyone involved
Child support is the responsibility of every parent. They must give emotional, medical, and financial support to their child. The Louisiana state government presumes that parents who live with their child are providing them with the support they need. When a parent is...
What issues might come up in your child support dispute?
Child support disputes in Louisiana can be emotionally charged for the parents who are involved. And, for what may seem like a relatively straightforward legal issue, there are multiple factors that can arise in these disputes that can complicate things in a hurry....
How is child support enforced in Louisiana?
It is important, for the care and support of the child, that child support is paid and that the recipient parent receives the child support that is due. If the paying parent is having difficulty paying child support, other options, such as a child support...
Key points about changing a child support order in Louisiana
In New Orleans and across Louisiana, people’s finances and employment can fluctuate. That is especially true with the current nationwide challenges, medical expenses, many businesses experiencing a decline in income and outright job loss. Those who are paying for or...
We share custody of our kids. How does this affect child support?
Like many other Louisiana couples, you and your co- parent made the decision to continue to raise your children together despite the fact that your relationship ended. You both agreed to share custody in order to allow the children as much access to each parent as...
How exactly is child support determined in Louisiana?
During the process of divorce, one of the common areas of contention for couples with children is child support. If your future ex will be the noncustodial parent, he or she might be worried about having to pay a support amount that is unreasonably high. On the...